At Grandma's House this past Saturday. Evan loves picking up his busy boxes. Here he has it on Grandpa's recliner. His new favorite place for the busy box? On the TV screen. With some effort, he will pick the busy box up and slap it up against the TV. We have been siging "No, play on the ground." Hopefully this is a passing phase.

Evan also loves door knobs. He knows that twisting the knob is the first step to opening the door. What he hasn't figured out yet is that in order to pull the door open, you can't be standing immediately in front of it. I'm sure that is just a matter of time, as Mr. Pooks is a pretty smart boy.

Just to give some perspective on the size of Evan's table and chair set. They don't look so big now, do they? (Jeremy has been forced to resort for desperate measures...I have moved our kitchen table into the office and have commandeered it for my "craft table")

Very cute pics and Evan is doing some wonderful new things. I think daddy needs to learn to share when he is at the table he looks like he might be taking over that table...LOL!
Crystal and Eva
We see the pictures of Evan standing at the door with his hand turning the knob, and it is still hard to believe that he is that big now, and soon will be opening doors. Yes, it will be nice,when Evan understands that banging his busy box on the T.V. screen is not a good idea, but thank goodness, distraction and removal still works. He is still so cute, even when doing things that he has to learn not to do.
Love, Grandma & Grandpa Key
What great photos. God love Jeremy for eating at Evan's table!!
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