It's been a busy week around our house.
Jeremy took Evan to Children's yesterday for some out-patient appointments. Originally, Evan was supposed to be getting an FM system for his hearing aids (with FM, the person of interest--mom, dad, or a teacher--has a mic that pipes directly into the hearing aid, over all the background noise). Unfortunately, it didn't come in time for the appointment.
Evan had his teeth cleaned--this is the second time he's had it done without general anesthetic. Last time, the chart notes said Evan was "combative." I'm really curious to see what will be said this time, as it took a total of four people and a very sturdy toothbrush handle to hold Evan down, his head still, and pry his mouth open for a 5 minute cleaning. Evan gets a lot of tartar build-up (ironically enough, this is common in kids who are tube fed), but he doesn't have any decay. He also has all the teeth he should at this age. Because Evan is tube fed exclusively, the dentist said brushing/wiping his teeth 2 or 3 times a week is suffice. If he starts eating orally again, then he needs them brushed daily.
Evan also saw his dietician. She has increased the calories in his blended diet by a tablespoon of flax and/or olive oil per day. Evan has not gained any weight in the past 4 or 5 months--not necessarily a bad thing, because he was Mr. Chubs for quite awhile. He only grew a quarter of an inch in length (although this is up for interpretation, since he was measured laying on his back last time and standing up this time). Hopefully the extra calories will promote some good growth!
Jeremy and Evan went to visit the Head-Start preschool this morning. Evan was a little taken aback by all the kids! While the other children were in the class, Evan wanted to retreat to the familiar--he tipped his stroller over and spun the wheels, ignoring what was going on around him. Once the kids went home, he started crawling around, exploring. He colored a little bit and tried to get up on one of the chairs at the table.
This afternoon at signing class with Kat, Evan seemed to be signing "daddy" (this is also up for interpretation...). We will keep you posted on any developments.