Getting ready to wash up...

Water, water squrting everywhere--such fun!

What--doesn't everyone get this wet after a thorough hand washing? You must not do as good of a job as I do.

PS Third day of school went well. Evan is very interested in the water fountain (are we surprised?). Daddy and J. are teaching Evan how to push the button and turn the water on. Evan licked the water today--the cold water must be very refreshing for someone who never has liquid in their mouth.
Oh Evan thanks for the chuckle and you are doing such a wonderful job!!
Crystal and Eva
You do get mighty wet with a hand washing, but you couldn't be any cuter doing it! Glad to hear school is going so well.
Little Evan, Only you could make handwashing such a joy to watch. I'm so very glad that you have learned to appreciate the wonders of water and really enjoy playing with it. I'm also very glad that you are having such a good time at pre-school.
Love, Grandma Key
Hi! Here via Mighty Max's blog and wanted to say hello - your Evan is so cute! Love this post!
Hannah, mom to Vivian (13 month CHARGE)
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