Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Haircut

Here is a picture of Evan's haircut the next day (better late than never, right???).

After being put off for several evenings, Jeremy and I collaborated on Evan's haircut tonight. We waited for Evan to fall asleep in his bed, and we brought him back out to the living room floor and laid him on his side to begin work (we have yet to try an at home haircut while Evan's awake--scissors and Evan's flailing around just seem like a bad combination). I started by trimming all his curls to a finger-thickness, first on one side and then flipping him over to complete the other. Jeremy followed with the clippers and cleaned up the back and the sides. We finished by vacuuming up the hair around and on Evan--he stayed asleep the entire time. If there is a perk to Evan's deafness, this has to be it.


Jess said...

Where's the picture? I want to see the new 'do!

You're braver than I am; I take Connor to the barbershop to get his done. He's way past due, too-- gotta get that taken care of this week!


The Claytons said...

Yes... I was hoping to see a picture as well. That is so awesome that he stays asleep the whole time. I would say that is definitely a perk to the deafness! When my twins are getting in trouble I always say there are some perks to being deaf and one of them is you dont get woke up when the brothers are getting in trouble!



That definitely would be a picture worth publishing!
The first time I took William in for a haircut I was concerned about him being scared of the clippers, but the barber felt that being deaf would be helpful since it's usually the sound that scares children the most. He did fine.
The second haircut I decided to try at home, figuring bald spots would grow back quickly! I sat him in the sink in front of the mirror with his toothbrush and a comb. He did great! I never thought of trying it while he is asleep, but that is a GREAT idea, too! Especially when it works!

Crystal M. said...

I agree where is the pic?? I am glad that works for you, Eva would wake up and be very angry with us..LOL!

Catherine L said...

Now that's a much better idea than Supercuts! Reu came back looking like a scarecrow for $17 and 2 mins work (and fell asleep on the chair). Now I understand better re the clippers and don't our kids just love the things that other kids fuss on, hair, dentist...Thanks for your lovely comments too.. really encouraging right now. Cx

Kristi said...

The image of you guys cutting his hair in his sleep made me laugh out loud! I'd say that there is a perk to the deafness and to heavy sleeping! I don't think either one of my kids could sleep through that! Impressive! :-)