Team Evan's CHARGErs 2010 included Auntie Jen, Grandma Key, Sarah, Evan,& Jeremy. Our neighbor & friend Renee is not in the picture. Our sign has pictures from the previous four years we've walked--time sure has flown.

All registered and ready to go.

There were a lot of participants this year (Jeremy is three heads in from the right).

What a character! Evan was really excited about the people dressed up in costume. Ronald McDonald was really great--we saw him at several points during the day and he remembered Evan each time. Evan gave Ronald "five"--it was so cute! I think Evan remembers Red Robin (from previous March for Babies, and possibly because I like to eat there)--he ran right up to the Robin and grabbed his leg. Evan tried to avoid the [Domino's Pizza] Noid--can't say I blame him there.

Walking along...

Heading home!

I must say that this is the year that Evan really enjoyed the happenings around him. He enjoyed riding in his wagon, stopping to get out and greet Red Robin and Ronald McDonald. And at the end, I'm sure that he still had energy to spare, while grandma went home and took a little nap. Looking forward to next year!
Love, Grandma Key
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