People always comment about how much Evan looks like me (and my side of the family). But look at these expressions side by side--those mouths look pretty similar :) I think Jeremy was about 2 in this picture. Evan's picture was taken last week at preschool.
I see daddy in Evan!! What cute pics of both of them.
I saw the resemblence of his daddy when Evan was very little and I still see the boyish good looks in both of them. I'm sure Evan will be one of those kids, that when he is with his dad, people will say he looks just like you and when he is with his mom they will say he looks just like you. For sure, he will never have to ask if he was adopted!
Much Love, Grandma
They sure do look alike!!
Crystal and Eva
Love it and mad for old photos. Pls post more!
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