Reuben just got a trach placed last week, and during his recovery his mom took this picture of him with his froggy (trached too, of course)

It reminded me so much of this picture of Evan with his Pooh bear--both with CPAPs (shortly before this picture was taken, a trach was discussed as a possible option if the CPAP failed)

Snap!!! ha ha... fame at last for the little Red Reuster. Loved the comparison. Cx
PS Now have a link to Evan's
It is good to hear that things went well for Reuben. The pictures are a good reminder of the skills and dedication of the people that work so hard to give our little ones a chance at life.
Love, Grandma Key
I knew when I saw Reubens picture it reminded me of someone!!!
I love them both.
Crystal and Eva
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